These hazelnuts are grown from seeds sourced from WA, Canada, and right here in Missoula.
1st year seedlings are $5 each and are only available for fall shipping. We can't guarantee the cold hardiness of these seedlings, as they haven't yet gone through a harsh Montana winter.
2nd year seedlings are $10 each and they are available for spring or fall shipping. They are the survivors who make it through the sub-zero temperatures and lack of humidity that our winters wallop us with.
For 2025 we have seedlings grown from parent plants Jefferson, Yamhill, Mcdonald, and Barcelona.
Sale to OR, WA prohibited: https://www.nationalplantboard.org/state-law--regulation-summaries.html
Photo credit: I, Colae, CC BY-SA 3.0 <http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/>, via Wikimedia Commons