About Us

Tree nursery beds 


Mountain Time Farm is located in Missoula, Montana at 46.9 degrees north latitude, at an elevation of 3150 feet.

We are in temperature zone 4b/5a, with a lowest recorded temperature of negative 33F (1957), and a highest recorded temperature of 107F (2007).

Our average annual precipitation is 13.7". 

We have approximately 90 to 100 frost free days per year. In 2020 our last frost was June 9th and our first frost was September 9th. 

soil and subsoil

Our soil has a pH of 7.0 in the topsoil and a pH of 8.0 in the subsoil. We have about 12 inches of silty topsoil over the top of alluvial gravels. Here is the USDA description of our soils.

We don't use any chemical pesticides, fungicides, or herbicides. 

Montana nursery license number 49409.

A hot day on the farm